If you've opted to collect your own block, familiarise yourself with our site rules and dispatch processes.
You have opted to collect the blocks yourself or have organised your own freight. Theres a couple of key points you need to keep in mind:
Contact Envirocon Dispatch before sending any trucks. Pick ups need to be scheduled in our dispatch system.
Drivers must contact the Dispatch Coordinator before arriving on site to confirm pick up times.
If this is not done the truck may not be loaded and turned away
Drivers must have the job reference number on them
Payment terms must have been met before loading can commence
Drivers must have correctly rated chains for securing blocks
Drivers must arrive on time
Drivers must not arrive before you scheduled time
Drivers will not be loaded early
Drivers must use corner protectors
Truck types that are acceptable
Flat deck
No high metal lips on edge (5cm is too high)
Curtain siders
No tow trucks
No fixed side trucks
Drivers are required to sign for the load before leaving
Trucks must have a clean truck deck area
Drivers are not allowed to smoke on site
Drivers must follow Envirocon's site safety rules:
10Km/h speed limit on site
Everyone must have appropriate high-viz
Everyone must wear steel toed shoes
You must know your maximum tonnage and not overload your ratings
You must have a current COF
Your vehicle must be mechanically sound
The load must be strapped properly
You need to always follow instructions given by Dispatch Staff
No parking overnight on Envirocon premises
Drivers must be visible to the Dispatcher when blocks are being loaded onto the truck. The forklift driver must always have line of sight of drivers. There is a risk of blocks being dislodged off the deck as they are pushed to the edge.
For safety reasons we do not load blocks on to tipper trucks, or trucks and decks with permanent sides.